(877) 772-4677 service@peopleinsure.com

Re-Envision   Re-Invent   Re-Ignite

Ready to Find The SUPERPOWER That Drives Your Success? 

Meet Megan

I’m a Success Coach, Brand Builder and fellow Entrepreneur dedicated to helping you find the Clarity and Confidence to build PATH to get to YOUR next level.

Remember that Kid?  Full of Confidence, Energy, Ideas and Excited to take on the world everyday? That Kid is still there, still inside you waiting to rediscover and reignite your SUPERPOWER that drives your success.

My job is to help you access the hidden potential in your business and in your life and guide you to capture and execute a bigger vision for your success.

True Success Personal Growth & Life Balance Start With a PATH.

At Peopleinsure, we define the PATH as a distinct combination of strategy and execution, acquisition of skills honed to mastery and above all solid performance & productivity practices and the intentional application of personal habits and daily rituals that insure success.  Performance Impact Coaching by PeopleInsure is designed to illuminate Your PATH to Re-Envision, Re-Invents and Re-Ignites Your business, Your Career and Your Life.


Your PATH begins with understanding  the 6 Pillars of  Performance where the highest performing individuals and business focus: Clarity, Necessity, Energy, Productivity, Courage, and Influence.  We’ll explore and create solid mastery in these areas and how to incorporate these qualities into your daily life. 


Are you focusing your time and energy on doing the right things that will move you closer to achieving your goals and realizing the level of performance and success you are seeking?  We’ll start with your daily routines, and how you plan your days and weeks so that your actions are directly pointing to your goals and not other people’s agendas.


A goal without a timeframe is just a day-dream.  Stop the cycle of wanting different results but never getting there, perhaps not even starting because the PATH seems too difficult, too unclear, too daunting. The most successful individuals create a specific step by step path to follow and schedule milestones to know they are on the right PATH.


Motivation and encouragement from others can only push you so far.  The secret to long-term success is finding and harnessing your own horsepower, the identity shift that generates and re-generates the drive you need to get where you want to go.  We’ll guide you to the discovery of your unique Superpower, that one thing that drives your success. 

Coaching has been my calling since my first career as a family law paralegal.  I saw so many clients completely leveled by their new circumstances and adrift in finding direction, purpose and a plan for what’s next in their career and in their lives. I had to find a formula and process help people shed the paralysis, powerfully move forward to their next chapter.

The following several years,  I coached real estate investors and business entrepreneurs on how to build successful  companies, become financially independant and discover their unique voice, promotional style  and niche.  Yet something crucial was missing.  Something bigger than a rote formula and raw ambition.

At Peopleinsure, I’ve discovered that sustainable growth and true success and life balance has a PATH.  The PATH is a distinct combination of strategy and execution, acquisition of skills honed to mastery and above all solid performance & productivity practices and the intentional application of personal habits and daily rituals that insure success.

The PATH to success starts with re-envisioning, re-inventing and re-igniting the spark that drives you forward beyond the possibilities and potential you see right now.  I’d love to learn what is missing in your business, your path and your next level.

I’m a certified High Performance and Business and Life Coach.  I hold coaching certifications from The High Performance Institute and Virtual Coach and Digital Marketer Certified Digital Marketing Professional, plus additional StoryBrand and NLP Training.

I grew up in Western Pennsylvania and am a transplant to Colorado (although I’ll always be a Steelers Fan!) When I’m not practicing my passion for coaching and business consulting, I’m an avid reader,  culinary enthusiast, overly ambitious gardener and BIG dog Mom.

Let’s Talk ….

Schedule some time on my calendar so I can  help you re-ignite the spark that drives you:  CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE

In the Colorado Springs Area and would prefer to meet in person?  Email me at mmclaughlin@peopleinsure.com or call 877-772-4677 ext. 84.
