Accelerate Your Revenue Growth
with the XLurate® | Revenue Accelerator
3 Month Accelerator
- What to Do
- How to Do It
- Do it Faster
- Do it Better
RRRuN to Accelerate Your Revenue Growth:
☑ Retention
☑ Referrals
☑ Revenue per Client
☑ New Business
Mitigate Loss
Position for Growth
Grow Revenue
Competition and Disruption Is Everywhere
Many agencies are experiencing increased competition and disruption. More competion, even from your own carriers. How people interact and do business has changed. The buying decision process is vastly different based on generations. Technology has changed how we interact and make purchases. What worked in the past is less and less effective. It’s scary and frustrating! Our choice is to let disruption happen to us or for us.

Take Charge to Emerge Thriving
But, we can take charge. Commit to growing faster, better and stronger … to thriving.
1. Stop client churn
2. Position yourself for growth
3. Grow revenue
… to emerge thriving, today and beyond!
Revenue Power Boosters
Propel your:
☑ Retention
☑ Referrals
☑ Revenue per Client
☑ Real New Business
Advise & Close
Make competition irrelevant
and close more sales
Attract & Nurture
Fill your pipeline,
grow client value & loyalty
Here's the Meat: Sessions Details
2 Boosters: Sell More
In today’s Next Normal, it’s not enough to be a good producers. To accelerate your success you must take your sales and promotion skills to the next level. That’s why, unlike other programs, we focus on both boosters to sky rocket your success.
- Sales Booster: Dramatically boost results with ethical sales skills as trusted advisors
- Promotion Booster: Use high-impact digital tools to do the heavy lifting, promoting yourself and agency to fill your pipeline with qualified leads that you nurture and convert into raving fan clients who refer you to others.
Exclusively for Insurance Producers, and those who manage them, who are dissatisfied with enemic peipelines, high cost of sales, loo many lower value cliens, business walking out the back door and revenue growth below desired levels. When you are ready to accelerte to the next level, this wholistic program is for you.
XLurate® | Revenue
Is a revenue accelerator enabling you to RRRuN to increase your:
☑ Retention
☑ Referrals
☑ Revenue per Client
☑ New Business
Your Journey
For those who want to accelerate your results.
Unlike traditional sales and marketing training which leave you on your own to implement the strategies, tactics and new technology, XLurate|Revenue guides you with all 4 pillars of performance improvement.
In these active learning sessions, you will learn and do to achieve real-world results:
What to Do:
Results Driven Strategies
How To Do It:
High Imapct Methods
Do It Faster:
Ultimate Action Plans, Templates & Tools
Do It Better:
Game Changing Coaching & Feedback
XLurate | Revenue is designed to compound your results by making continual improvements that stack on each other for exponential improvement through your Sales Hero Journey.
Level 1: Blast-Off to Jump-Start Your Sales
Future Series (optional):
Level 2: Propel Your Sales to the Next Level
Level 3: Entering Orbit of Repeatable Successes
Level 4: Gravitational Slingshot to New Destinations
Blast-Off! - Level 1
Blast-Off : Jump Start Your Sales
Level 1 | 3 Month Intensive
Why Blast-Off?
The XLurate | Revenue Accelerator is for agencies that aren’t satisfied with their current revenue generation, no matter how poor or great, and want to accelerate their revenue growth even more. We don’t want to not just survive, but to emerge thriving. But the world has changed. And, the Thrivers will be those who take their sales performance to a whole new level. And, those who act with agility and speed.
That’s why we begin XLurate | Revenue with a 3 month sales intensive, to jump-start your results!
This is not your typical sales class. You’ll not only learn what to do. Each day you’ll leave the session with a new tool to accelerate your sales. And, you’ll begin using that tool to take action to achieve your goals. We call these PowerPlays. Ask questions and attend the weekly coaching calls to improve your results further.
What You Get
✔ FREE 1 Week FREE Trial
– Revenue Accelerator Challenge
✔ Active Learning sessions
– 3 Months
– 26 Sessions (2/week)
✔ Rapid Results Playbook
– Daily PowerPlays (sales accelerator actions)
– Samples, templates and/or tools for rapid implementation
✔ Level-Up Coaching (Weekly)
– Review & Feedback sessions rachet up results
XLurate | Revenue Accelerator challenge
FREE Trial – 5 Daily Sessions
Week 0: Revenue Accelerator Challenge
High-Imact RRRuN Pipeline Boosters
- Makeing The Competion Irrelevant: The Power to 10x Results
Retention - Reclaim Lost Revenue: Capturing Revenue Hiding in Plain Sight
Revenue Per Client - Generating a Lifetime of Leads: Earning the Right to Ask
Referrals - Do This Now: The Power of Partners
New Business - Level-Up Coaching
Review and Feedback
Blast-Off Intensive Agenda
Month 1: Conquer the Market
High-Imact Sales Boosters
- Finding High Quality Leads
- Lazor-Focus Your Sales Efforts
- Coverting Warm to Hot Leads
- Close Ratio Boosters
- Level Up Coaching
Month 2: Strike Gold
Sales Crushing Closings
- Slam the Door to Losing Sales
- Strike Gold with Data Mining
- Raise the Bar: Competitive Advantage Info
- Apply Generously: Matching Profile to Products
- Level Up Coaching
Month 3: Making the Competition Irrelevant
High-Impact Habits to Corner Your Market
- Corner the Market: Product Positioning
- The North Star: SWOT Market Analysis
- On Your Marks: Schedule Success
- Checkmate Habits
- Level Up Coaching
BONUS 2 Sessions: Sing in the Perfect Pitch
Set Yourself Apart by Speaking So That You Are Heard
- Know Thyself: understanding Why Personality Matters (Includes your DISC Profile)
- Rarefied Air: Know How Your Profile Helps You Succeed
- Know Your Audience: Quickly Identify Prospect’s Profile
- Sing in the Perfect Pitch: Targeted Messaging Increases Sales & Stickiness
- Level Up Coaching
*Agenda may change to respond to the evolving business environment and participants’ needs.
Don’t miss out! Click Register Now!
XLurate | Revenue Levels 2-4
Level 2 -4:
Propel Your Sales to the Next Level
XLurate | Revenue Recovery is designed to compound your results by making continual improvements that stack on each other for exponential improvement.
Level 1: Blast Off to Jump-Start Your Sales (Daily)
Level 2: Propel Your Sales to the Next Level (Weekly)
Level 3: Entering Orbit of Repeatable Successes (Weekly)
Level 4: Gravitational Slingshot to New Destinations (Weekly)
Level-Up: Month 2 and Beyond
Begining in week 5 you’ll jetison to build on the momentum of your jump-start to focus on propeling your sales to the next level. You will build on the momentum from the Blast Off Intensive to Level Up your results. The focus of Levels 2-4 is mastering additional PowerPlays to take your results to ever higher levels.
Level-Up: Week 5 and Beyond
In week 5
You’ll transition from daily to weekly sessions to continue to accelerate your sales success every week!
Weekly Rapid Results Sessions
In these weekly active learning sessions, you will continue to learn and do:
What to Do:
Results Driven Strategies
How To Do It:
High Imapct Methods
Do It Faster:
Ultimate Action Plans, Templates & Tools
Do It Better:
Game Changing Coaching & Feedback
Session topics and order will vary to best respond to the current needs of the participants. Additional sessions may be added along the way. Below are examples of session topics
Level 2: Propel Your Sales to the Next Level*
Level 2 you’ll level-up on the most critical sales and promotion strategies in the current Next Normal. You’ll receive weekly high-impact PowerPlays and Level-up Coaching designed to acheive real-world results. Sample topics:
- Finding Even More High Quality Leads
- Close Ratio Boosters II
- Overcoming Objections
- Referral Boosters
- Proposal Boosters
- Mistakes That Make Proposals Poisen
- Presentation Boosters: Presentations that Sell
- Presentation Mistakes that Kill Your Sale
- When to Walk Away
- Research that Sells
- Raise the Bar: A Trusted Advisor Mind Shift
- Stop the Bleeding: Lose Fewer Sales
- Strike Gold with Data Mining II
- Lazor-Focus, Surgical Results
- Less Excuses, More Results
- Habits that Pay
- Trustworthy Pipeline Projections
- Time to Crow: Tracking Results
- Charting Your Course: From Goal to Results Setting
- On Your Marks: Schedule Success
- Checkmate Habits
- The Roadmap from Crisis through Recovery
- The Customer Value Journey:
Attracting and Nuturing Clients that Stick - Mitigating Loss, Part 1:
Communication Strategies for Retaining Clients - Mitigating Loss, Part 2:
Conversations that you should be having with your clients NOW to mitigate lost revenue. - Mitigating Loss – Part 3:
Be Where They Are Now: Using Social Media to Your Advantage - Retention:
Strengthening existing relationships by making the competition irrelevant - Positioning for Growth, Part 1:
How to setup an online campaigns for what they need today- Components of high-impact campaigns
- The One-Two Power Punch: Integrating Sales and Marketing for Faster and Better Results
- High-Impact Campaigns for Nurturing Client Retention, Revenue and Referal*
- Fill Your Pipeline*
- Doing the Bits that Make the Difference*
- and much more
Level 3: Entering Orbit of Repeatable Successes*
- The Machine: Creating a Repeatable Process of Success
- The Machine: Small Commercial Edition
- Data Driven Sales
- Making the Competition Irrelevant III
- Product Positioning
- Service Positioning
- From Proposal to Solution Design
- Corner the Market III
- The North Star: SWOT Market Analysis
- Service thtat Sells #1-8
- High-Impact Campaigns for Nurturing Client Retention, Revenue and Referal*
- Fill Your Pipeline*
- Doing the Bits that Make the Difference*
- and much more
Level 4: Gravitational Slingshot to New Destinations*
- The Machine: Part II
- Out in Front: Setting the New Bar
- Omni-Channel Express
- This Isn’t Your Father’s Sales
- Capturing a Verticle
- Overocming the Unique Challenges of Large Commercial Sales Part 1-3
- High-Impact Campaigns for Nurturing Client Retention, Revenue and Referal*
- Fill Your Pipeline*
- Doing the Bits that Make the Difference*
- and much more
*Additional Promotion Booster Sessions
The Promotion Booster will fill your pipeline and nurture client value and loyalty to boost retention, referrals, revenue per client and real new business!
There are not enough hours in the day to attract and nurutre clients without the promotion booster. Your rocket will tilt off course and miss your target.
Here is more detail on just some of the Promotion Booster topics that we may include in Levels 2-4.
- The Roadmap from Crisis through Recovery
- The Customer Value Journey:
Attracting and Nuturing Clients that Stick - Mitigating Loss, Part 1:
Communication Strategies for Retaining Clients - Mitigating Loss, Part 2:
Conversations that you should be having with your clients NOW to mitigate lost revenue. - Mitigating Loss – Part 3:
Be Where They Are Now: Using Social Media to Your Advantage - Retention:
Strengthening existing relationships by making the competition irrelevant - Positioning for Growth, Part 1:
How to setup an online campaigns for what they need today- Components of high-impact campaigns
- The One-Two Power Punch: Integrating Sales and Marketing for Faster and Better Results
- High-Impact Campaigns for Nurturing Client Retention, Revenue and Referals
- How to Run a High-Imapct Omni-Channel Campaign
- Laying out the campaign
- What Channels Will I Use to Get the Best Results?
- The Tech: What you need?
- The Tech: How to set it up?
- The mechanics of launching and managing a campaign
- How to Track Results
- Messaging that gets results
- Types of Campaigns & Corresponding Results
- Where Do I Start?
- How to Craft a Message to Get a Specific Results
- Writing High-Impact Content
- Re-purposing Contect to Amplify Results
- Words that Work
- Emails
- Getting your emails opened
- How to write a high-impact email for each Step in CVJ
- Websites that Work
- Design: Service vs Sales
- Required Elements to Convert
- Tech: What Every Agency Owner Must Know About Their Site
- What a Great Site Looks Like & Does
- Mistakes of Agency Websites That Drag Down Results
- Selecting a Great Web Developer
- Landing Pages vs. Home Page
- Tracking Results
- Social Media
- Tech: How to Setup Key SM Sites
- Writing high-impact social posts
- Adapting the message for the platform
- The Role of Social Media in Sales & Marketing Campaigns
- The Role of the Owner
- The Role of the Producer
- The Role of the CSR
- Video
- How to record a high-impact video
- When and Where to Use Video
- How to Run a High-Imapct Omni-Channel Campaign
- Fill Your Pipeline
Attracting and Nurturing High Value Clients- Attraction Campaigns
- LinkedIn Campaigns that get results
- Facebook campaigns that get results
- Ads
- Adds that Drive Traffic
- The mechanics, secrets and pitfalls of online ads
- How to Do the Bits That Need Doing
The Mechanics of Online Marketing: Setup & Use- Data Driven Marketing
- Emails – Setup, sending & tracking
- Social Media Sites:
- YouTube
- etc.
- Overhauling Your Website
- Setting Up A Landing Page
- CRMs
- Blogs
- Video
- Vlogs
- Lead Magnets
- Online Ads
- Split Testing
- Tracking Results
- and much, much more!
*Sessions are not listed in the order of delivery. Topics and Agenda may change to respond to the evolving business environment and participants’ needs.
Don’t miss out! Click Register Now!
How We Help YOU
accelerate your success
4 Pillars of Performance Improvement
Unlike other programs that leave you on your own to figure out how to apply their strategies using only 1 or 2 pillars or performance improvement, with PeopleInsure you receive all 4 Pillars of Performance Improvement to accelerate your success.
What to Do
Results Driven Strategies
You will receive an assessment of where you are and determine what you will need to do to achieve your goals, including:
- Scorecards assess where you are and the gap to where you want to be
- Proven Strategies used by high performing people & organizations
- Cutting-edge Research catapults you to the head of the pack
How to Do It
High Impact Methods
You will learn how to achieve these results:
- Roadmap customized for your journey
- High-Impact Methodologies that have been proven successful
- Real-world Examples that you can follow
- Plan that outlines what you'll need and actions to take
Do It Faster
Ultimate Templates & Tools
You will stop wasting time reinventing the wheel with tools and resources that you can use as-is or customize for your specific needs:
- Power Plays (Playbook), specific action plans
- Templates
- Tools
- Resources
Do It Better
Game Changing Guidance
You receive game changing guidance to go in the right direction, keep your on track, improve your performance and accelerate your results:
- Consulting and/or Coaching
- Review and Feedback
- Measuring results
- Accountability
Let Experience Be Your Guide
Know one knows exactly what is going to happen and what will work best throughout this crisis. What we do know is what has worked amazingly well in the past. And, we know how to adapt and innovate for change. You see, we’re not just teachers … we’ve done it! Your sales and marketing coaches have achieved amazing results in their careers:
Increased Results for Client's Large Sales Team
Direct Sales Achieved
6 and 7 Figure Online Sales Campaigns
Get Your
XLurate® | Revenue Recovery
Register Now
7 Day Free Trial
Check us out for FREE! Free 7 Day Trial of Sales Jump-Start Week #1
Use the Strategies & Templates provided to you
Use the best-of-breed strategies, methods, tools and templates that we give you.
Increase Revenue
Enjoy your revenue recovery journey, taking back control of your agency.
XLurate® | Revenue Recovery
Mitigate Losses | Position for Growth | Increase Revenue
You Receive:
Level 1: Blast-Off
Daily Rapid Results Sessions
Jump-Start Sales
Week 1: FREE 7 Day Trial
Conquer the Market
High-Imact Sales Boosters
Week 2: Strike Gold
Sales Crushing Closings
Week 3: Make the Competition Irrelevant
High-Impact Habits to Corner Your Market
Week 4: Sing in Perfect Pitch
Set Yourself Apart & Be Heard
Level 2:
Weekly Power Sessions
Propel Yourself
to the Next Level
Build on the momentum from your Jump-Start and advance to master the essentials of sales and promotion to propel your sales to the next level.
Level 3:
Weekly Power Sessions
Create Orbit of
Repeatable Success
Advance to building your sales and marketing “machine” and enjoy repeatable success.
Level 4:
Weekly Power Sessions
Slingshot to the Stars
Advance to mastery level to raise the bar to innovative new levels.
All Levels Include:
Learn Strategies & Methods
✔ Results Driven Sales
✔ High Impact Promotion
Act Faster & Achieve More
✔ Ultimate Playbook Toolkit
✔ Game Changing Coaching
Lock In Your 50+% Savings Now
Limited Time Special
Revenue Accelerator Intensive 3 Month Intensive |
$2499 | Only $999 |
Check us out for FREE for 7 Days!*
*TERMS: You Won't Find a Better Deal Than This!
We’re so convinced you’ll receive value far greater than your investment, we want to remove all barriers for you recieving this exceptional program.
Unlike other programs that require long-term commitments, your XLurate | Revenue Recovery subscription has no long-term contracts. Your subscription runs month-to-month, enabling you to pay as you go. You may cancel at any time. Click the links below to see how it works.
7 Day FREE Trial
Check us out for a full week for Free!
If you aren’t thrilled with the power-packed lessons and results-oriented resources that you receive, just let us know by the end of the 7th day and your credit card will not be charged for any sessions. It’s that easy and risk-free!
Level 1: Jump-Start
On 8th day your XLurate | Revenue Recovery subscription will begin. You will be billed the initial investment of $999 for the remainder of the first month’s daily Jump-Start sessions (20 sessions total).
Level 2-4 Monthly Subscription
You’ll also lock in the low monthly investment of only $396/month for your continuing subscription to XLurate|Revenue Recovery’s Level 2-4 weekly power sessions. Your subscription is billed monthly at the begining of your monthly cycle.
After you complete your 1st month Jump-Start daily sessions, you’ll automatically transition into your Level 2 weekly power sessions monthly subscription. Your monthly subscription for Levels 2-4 will be billed monthly at the discounted rate of $396/month for Jump-Start participants with continuouse subscriptions.
XLurate | Revenue Recovery Subscription
Level 1: Jump-Start
On 8th day your XLurate | Revenue Recovery subscription will begin. You will be billed the initial investment of $999 for the remainder of the first month’s daily Jump-Start sessions (20 sessions total).
Level 2-4 Monthly Subscription
You’ll also lock in the low monthly investment of only $396/month for your continuing subscription to XLurate|Revenue Recovery’s Level 2-4 weekly power sessions. Your subscription is billed monthly at the begining of your monthly cycle.
After you complete your 1st month Jump-Start daily sessions, you’ll automatically transition into your Level 2 weekly power sessions monthly subscription. Your monthly subscription for Levels 2-4 will be billed monthly at the discounted rate of $396/month for Jump-Start participants with continuouse subscriptions.
Cancel Anytime
Your subscription may be cancelled any time. Cancel prior to your next billing and you will not be charged for any more sessions. Your subscription remains in-force until the end of the paid billing cycle.
Stop Stressing Out Begin RRRuNing
XLurate | Revenue Accelerator enables insurance agents to grow revenue faster, better and stronger … accelerating your path to thriving.
At PeopleInsure we know that you want to be a Victor in today’s marketplace. In order to do that, you need to quickly mitigate churn and generate more revenue . The problem is competition and disruption can pull the rug out from under you which makes you feel out of control, uncertain about the future. We believe that even in the midst of disruption, you can rise better and stronger … even thriving . We understand that you are super busy and don’t have time to re-invent the wheel, which is why we have helped 1000’s of agents pivot and prosper faster … accelerating their successes.
Here’s how we do it:
1. Select program that best meets your needs
2. Use the strategies, methods, tools and templates that we give you
3. Recover sooner, better and stronger .
So, Click Register Now to get your Free 7 Day Trial
And in the meantime,
Get your FREE REPORT: RRRuN Revenue Accelerator Framework, so you can stop wasting time re-inventing the wheel and instead begin recovering faster, better and stronger.
RRRuN | Revenue Accelerator Framework
Here’s Your Free Report:
Yes, Register me up for XLurate | Revenue Accelerator 7 Day Free Trial!
I understand that:
- My first week (7 Days) are Free
- Risk Free Trial: If I cancel at by midnight on Day 7 I will not be charged for any sessions
- Day 8 my credit card will be charged the Special $999 initial investment for Week 2-4
- On day 30 and each month thereafter my credit card will be charged the Specal Discounted Rate of $396/month
- I can cancel anytime prior to the next month’s billing at
- If I cancel or my credit card fails to process on the monthly anniversary date, I forfiet this special discounted rate. However, I may rejoin at based on availability and the current fees in force at that time.