(877) 772-4677 service@peopleinsure.com

Accelerate Your SuccessesTM

Let’s Chat About What’s On Your Mind

Drive Bottom Line Results with Operational Excellence

Select from one of our high-impact solutions,
or get a solution cutomized to your needs and goals.



Are your agency and associates in the necessary shape to to achieve your goals?

Scorecards provide a snapshot of your current results, to help you:

  • Identify strengths & weaknesses
  • Focus on what matters most
  • Track progress toward goals

Choose from one of 12 Scorecards, such as our Agency ScorecardTM.



Arrive at your goals faster with a customized Roadmap.

Your Roadmap outlines how to get from where you are to where you want to go.

  • Custom Roadmap Plan
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Milestones to Achieve

Roadmaps are available for agency goals, projects, training, etc.


Best Practices & Beyond

Stop wasting your time and effort with by doing things the hard way with ineffective,  inconsistent processes which too often result in fires to be put out.

Creating repeatable success:

  • efficient and effective processes
  • reduce errors and re-work
  • support growth
  • drive bottom line profits  

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Systems Utilization

Are you getting the Return on Investment you should from your agency management system and other tech?

Most agencies only use a fraction of the tech power they purchase.  Learn how to harness the power of technology to enable your success.

  • Customize setup
  • Audit for compliance
  • Train for maximum utilization
  • Enable operational excellence

Accounting Soup-2-Nuts

Are you making decisions on bad data?  Are your financials reconciled up to date?  Are your reports timely and accurate?

You don’t have to suffer from unreconciled books and  poor data hygene! Learn:

  • How to complete bookkeeping
  • What to reconcile, and how
  • Best practices procedures
  • Optionally: WE’ll do it for you

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XLurate | Ops Excellence

Drive bottom line profit with operational excellence!   This comprehensive program looks at all aspects of the agency operations to maximize effectiveness.

  • Client Experience Excellence
  • Scorecards
  • Roadmap
  • Best Practices and Beyond
  • System Utilization
  • Accounting Soup-to-Nuts
  • and more!

Customized for You

Receive a customized program with advice from one of our expert Guides.

We will design a program customized for just you.  Custom programs are designed to achieve your specific goals.

Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Health Care

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Your Health Starts Here

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

Or call — 344 532 2352

“Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor”

Brett Vasquez


Better Health Care is Our Mission

24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.

(344) 532-2352


1235 Divi St. #100, San Francisco, CA
